Each October, there are several community activities and events that showcase and share the history
and heritage of the Mi’kmaw people. October is Mi’kmaw History Month because it coincides with the
anniversary of English settlers signing the inaugural Peace and Friendship Treaty with the Mi’kmaw
people. Treaty Day is October 1 and on this designated date, the Mi’kmaw people received a promise of
peace, along with compensation for appropriated lands, resources and the impact of conflict on people
and communities across Mi’kma’ki. In an effort to assist all Nova Scotians in increasing their knowledge
and awareness of Mi’kmaw culture, history and heritage, a Mi’kmaq History Month Committee was
established to promote and encourage educational and cultural activities during the month of October.
For more information, go to http://mikmaqhistorymonth.ca
Under the Sea, Army, Air and Navy League Cadets Day Act, the first Saturday in October is recognized as
Cadet Day in Nova Scotia. It is held to honour cadets, volunteers and supporters of the Cadet program.
The Cadet Program is a dynamic, funded program for young Canadians aged 12 to 18 across the country.
This program offers young people a variety of activities that teaches valuable life lessons and work skills
that cadets can use for the rest of their lives. Nova Scotia has 86 cadet units with nearly 3,500 cadets
representing air, sea and army units. In District 2 there are three Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps:
RCACC #117 Preston-Westphal; RCACC #2610 Sheet Harbour; and RCACC #2741 Musquodoboit Harbour
– Gaetz Brook. For more information on sea, army and air cadets, visit www.cadets.ca . For more
information on navy cadets, visit www.navyleague.ca
Applications are now open for the Outdoor Community Rink Program that allows community groups to
operate a community rink on municipal owned property. Applicants can also apply for a grant of up to
$5,000 to cover insurance costs associated with operating the rink. For more information on the
Outdoor Community Rink Program, including this year’s application form and eligibility criteria, please
visit www.halifax.ca/parks-recreation/parks-trails-gardens/outdoor-rink-insurance-grant-program . The
deadline is October 13, 2023.
As of October 16, (weather permitting) and whether the NS Forest Weather Index (FWI)
www.novascotia.ca/burnsafe is at a low or moderate reading, the time of day burning restrictions will
be lifted. For more information about winter open-air burning and safe burning practices, visit
www.halifax.ca/fire-police/fire/burning-permits/burning-rules-regulations Please be careful whenever
HRM invoices property tax bills to all property owners twice each year. The tax year covers the fiscal
period of April 1 to March 31. The first tax bill was sent out (either by mail or e-post) in March and was
due on the last working day of April. The second and final bill will be sent out (either by mail or e-post) in
September and is due on the last working day of October (Monday, October 31). The first (or interim)
invoice is based on 50 per cent of the current year’s estimated taxes but based on last year’s rates. The
final invoice is calculated using the current assessment with the current year’s tax rates, less the amount
you already paid from the first invoice. The total amounts billed must be paid by the due date to avoid
interest charges. Interest is applied daily to all outstanding taxes at a rate of 10 per cent, per annum. For
more information; please call 311, or 902-490-4000 or visit HRM website www.halifax.ca/home-
property/municipal-payments/making-a-payment .
The Ditch Tax / Stormwater Right-of-Way flat rate charge of $40 will disappear from the Halifax Water
invoices and will reappear on your HRM October 2023 property tax bill as a separate line item as a new
amount instead and it will be based on the assessed value of the property. This change will only impact
the HRM Road Exchange Service Boundary area. To learn more visit :
Vulnerable Persons Registries are used to record pertinent information of vulnerable individuals, for first
responders or volunteers to use during emergency events, such as prolonged power outages or severe
weather events. Information within Vulnerable Persons Registries can be used during an emergency,
and that information can be used for emergency management staff when preparing emergency plans.
HRM Emergency Management (EM) Division has been tasked to establish a Vulnerable Persons Registry
(VPR) and to maintain overall administration capacity over the VPR including public education provision,
hfxALERT contact list updates, support to community and other first responding agencies. 311 and 211
can provide information on how to assist residents with registration on the system. The program will be
based on self-referral. This registry would be available to any resident who is without 24-hour support
who experiences severe difficulty with any of the following conditions: limited mobility; vision
impairment; hearing impairment; developmental disabilities; cognitive impairment; mental health
conditions; or any resident who requires electricity for life-sustaining equipment such as life support,
oxygen, dialysis, etc. Residents who are not eligible that are receiving 24-hour support from a caregiver
or homecare (exceptions may apply); or receiving care or assistance from a long-term care home or
supportive housing facility. And residents under the age of 18 and receive parent/guardian support
(exceptions may apply). However, children with intensive needs or children that require electricity for
life-sustaining equipment can be considered for eligibility. Potential registrants should call 311, HRM EM
staff providing their information. An online registration form is in the works and should be ready soon.
Once received, designated staff would then reach out to confirm/verify the information. At this point, if
the registrant meets the proposed applicability requirements, they would be added to the registry.
You’re invited to participate in the latest Regional Plan (RP) Review through a variety of online and
inperson engagement opportunities until October 27. The RP sets out a common vision and long-range,
region-wide planning policies outlining where, when, and how future growth and development should
take place. The original RP was adopted in 2006 and is reviewed approximately every five years to
ensure that the Plan still reflects the municipality’s goals for growth and development. The latest Draft
RP envisions what HRM may look like with 1 million people. Please share your thoughts on this RP to
respond to the current demand for housing, with a focus on developing healthy communities, protecting
natural and cultural resources, acting on climate and fostering equity. Look for updates on the RP
Review website: www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/regional-plan or by emailing regionalplan@halifax.ca or
calling 902- 943-3248.
HRM offers Active Transportation (AT) Education and Promotion Grants that are intended to support
community organizations interested to propose projects that address, or partially address the
municipality’s objectives identified in the 2014 AT Priorities Plan and 2017 Integrated Mobility Plan to
increase the number of people walking and bicycling and improving the safety of people using these
modes. Projects may include:
•Safety and skills training programs
•AT promotions and marketing programs
•AT education and engagement
•Transportation Demand Management programs
•AT related events
•Etiquette programs
Submission Deadline for the Fall - Winter Intake applications is October 13, 2023. Projects can only start
after October 25, 2023 and should end before March 31, 2024. To make an inquiry about project
eligibility before applying, contact: Emma Martin, HRM Active Transportation Community Projects
Coordinator by phone 902-499-6742 or via email ATGrants@halifax.ca and visit
hfxALERT is the municipality’s mass notification system for informing residents about emergencies and
operations updates. hfxALERT will send urgent and non-urgent notifications from Halifax Regional
Police, Halifax Fire & Emergency’s Emergency Management Division, as well as municipal winter parking
ban notices. You must sign up with hfxALERT to receive certain notifications. This will ensure the
municipality can reach you to share important information quickly based on set locations, such as your
home or workplace. Sign up and learn more at www.halifax.ca/hfxalert
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