HRM has taken the next step in its branding project by launching its web-site: https://
DefineHalifaxRegion.com. This link will provide the public with an easy way to share feedback and is a resource to learn more about this region’s identity initiative and why it matters to the municipality. HRM’s citizens who call this place home will ultimately help define the brand and create a single rallying cry that is equal parts inspirational and aspirational. This single rallying cry will connect our pride and show the world what a great place our Halifax region is to live, work, invest and visit. The municipality is competing on a global stage for investment, tourism and talent, so it needs the right tools to market itself more effectively. Public engagement has begun and will continue into February 2014. In addition to capturing feedback from people on the street and at community hubs such as farmers markets, the project will be collecting input online via its website and several other social media channels, including:
Residents can also opt to share their thoughts on what living here means to them by emailing comment@DefineHalifaxRegion.com or calling 490-TALK (8255) or toll-free at 1-855-380-TALK (8255) to leave a message. The feedback shared by residents and businesses – along with the research results from focus groups and telephone surveys – will be compiled, analyzed and developed into a brand recommendation. This recommendation will be brought to Regional Council in the spring of 2014. Pending Council approval, a phased implementation will begin, guided by detailed brand standards, templates and policies to protect the brand’s integrity and value. All residents and businesses are encouraged to share their voice in this once-in-a-generation opportunity. For more information please visit: DefineHalifaxRegion.com. Come out, shareyour ideas and tell us your thoughts on how HRM should be branded !
As a resident of HRM, you’re invited to contribute to the 2014 Budget Consultation process by sharing your thoughts on service priorities and how you’d like to see municipal tax dollars allocated. You can provide feedback through this on-line community engagement hub:
www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/hfxtax. HRM has introduced a new on-line tool, the Budget Allocator, which provides people with a unique glimpse into the experience of balancing the city’s budget. It allows you to simulate adjusting the municipal tax dollars allocated to various services like transit, parks, recreation, libraries, garbage collection, fire and policing services – and see the potential impact this has on both service delivery and the overall budget. How would you spend the current municipal budget ?
HRM has engaged AECOM consultants to deliver a local watershed study for the greater Preston area. Check out these web-sites: www.halifax.ca/planhrm/index.html
or https://halifax.ca/planhrm/#PAWmtg
or on the PlanHRM Facebook page for more details, or contact HRM Environmental Performance Officer – Cameron Deacoff at 490-1926
or 476-0363
or by e-mail: cameron.deacoff@halifax.ca. The Preliminary Report is now available on-line: ww.halifax.ca/planhrm/documents/2013112960303077FINALPreston_PrelimReport.pdf
. More water samplings and community surveys will be done during the Spring 2014 before a final report is prepared and submitted to the municipality.
Each year the Black Cultural Society of Nova Scotia hosts the annual Rev. Dr. William P. Oliver Wall of Honour Night at the Black Cultural Centre as recognition and in memory of the works of Rev. Dr. Oliver. He exemplified what is meant to be a “community leader”. Members of the Society are invited to nominate persons whom they wish to the Selection Committee for consideration of this annual award. The Night of Honour will be held on Saturday, February 15th, 2014 at 6:30 PM in the Centre at Cherry Brook.
Property Assessment Notices will be mailed out by mid-January. There is now a 31 day official Appeal Period from the date of the mailed notice whereby property owners can review and perhaps refute their appraisals. If you feel it is not assessed properly, then you should contact the NS Municipality Agency – Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) and speak with an Assessment Services representative. The PVSC Assessment Office is located at Park Place Two, 238-A Brownlow Avenue, Suite 200, Dartmouth, NS, B3B 2B4. Telephone: 720-7872
or Fax: 720-7873
or Toll-Free: 1-800-667-5727. Property owners are encouraged to call and talk to an Assessor, prior to appealing an assessment. Perhaps this approach may answer and clear up some questions you may have, hopefully avoiding the time and expense of an appeal. If not, you have the right to make a formal appeal, (in writing) either by letter or fax which must be received by their office on, or before the deadline date. Appeals by e-mail are not accepted. For more detailed information, please refer to your assessment notice or go to PVSC Appeal Guide: www.pvsc.ca/site/media/PVSC/Documents/Appeal%20Brochure%20December%202012_final.pdf
If you should have any further enquiries about property valuation, please refer to their web-site at: www.PVSC.ca .
2017 CANADA’S 150 TH
Our Federal Government through its Department of Canadian Heritage & Official Languages has launched pan-Canadian consultations to seek our views on how we would like to celebrate the 150 th
anniversary of Confederation in 2017. These celebrations will give us the opportunity to reflect on what makes Canada the united, prosperous and free country it is today. The Government of Canada will undertake extensive roundtable consultations, with meetings being planned throughout Canada. The consultations with community leaders are to discuss their perspective on Canada’s approaching milestone anniversary. These dates will be soon announced. At the same time, Canadians are invited to participate in the consultations through an on-line questionnaire at www.Canada150.ca
or www.
Canada150.gc.ca. Over the next four years, on the Road to 2017, celebrations will mark key historic milestones that have defined our country. In 2014, commemorations will include the centennial of the start of the First World War, the 75 th
anniversary of the start of the Second World War, the bicentennial of Sir George-Étienne Cartier’s birth and the 150 th
anniversary of the Charlottetown and Québec Conferences. What would you like to see done in your communities during 2017? Let them know!
HRM offers a carpooling service called Ride-match. It is a safe and secure on-line ride-matching system that allows commuters to quickly and securely find travel partners. The system matches people based on proximity to origin and destination points and travel route as well as similar working hours, travel mode and compatible preferences. Thesystem can be used to match carpool, transit, cycling and even walking partners. It is a free service that’s fast to use. Visit www.halifax.ca/traffic/Ridesharing.html. Be sure to use our own local alternative community transit service: www.musgorider.com.
The NS Dept. of Transportation & Infrastructure Renewal (NSDTIR) does most of the snow removal, ice control and winter road maintenance services in District 2. Our local NS Highway Depots are in Chezzetcook at 827-2544
and in Spry Bay at 885-2821. But the communities of North Preston, Westphal, and all of the subdivision streets in the Lawrencetown area are done under the auspices of HRM. If you have any concerns about our Snow and Ice Control winter road maintenance, please call the HRM Contact Centre at 311. Drivers can get up-to-date road conditions across Nova Scotia by calling the SNOW-line: 1-800-307-SNOW
(7669) or 511 or 1-888-432-3233
or 424-3933
or on-line at https://novascotia.ca/tran/winter/
and click on the Road & Weather Report Icon Button. The SNOW-line is updated regularly at 7 AM; 1 PM; and 5 PM or more frequently in case of a major storm event. For details about HRM Winter Road Maintenance, visit www.halifax.ca/snow/index.html
Be sure to have proper tires on and emergency supplies on hand in your vehicle. Please drive very carefully this winter. Spring is soon coming.
HRM is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 Community Grants Program. The deadline for applying is March 31 st
, 2014. Application forms and program guidebooks are available on-line at www.halifax.ca/grants
, by calling 311 or from one of HRM’s Citizen Contact Centres. The HRM Community Grants Program is a centralized program that provides annual grants to registered non-profit organizations and charities located throughout HRM. There are two types of grants: (1) a project grant of up to $5,000 and (2) a capital grant of up to $25,000. Grants are one-time and project-specific within the following funding sectors: Environment; Recreation & Leisure; Affordable & Supportive Housing; Emergency Assistance; Neighborhood Safety; Community History; Community Diversity; and Arts & Crafts. For information see:
Each winter, trademark “Raising the Roof” toques are sold for $10 each by community and corporate volunteers, as well as on-line at www.raisingtheroof.org
, giving Canadians an easy, fun way to support long-term solutions to homelessness. The toque campaign is a high-profile national fund-and-awareness initiative. Toque Tuesday will be on February 4 th
, 2014 and it marks the 17th Annual Toque Campaign. Since 1998 over $3.5 Million has been raised for long-term solutions to homelessness, and 80% of net proceeds from the Toque Campaign benefit grassroots community partner agencies that help homeless people in cities and towns across Canada. The remaining 20% supports Raising the Roof’s national homeless initiatives such as Youthworks and Child & Family Homelessness, so please buy a toque, or go on-line to order: https://www.gifttool.com/shop/ShopProductDetails?ID=1676&VER=1&LNG=EN&PID=55116&DID=1197. Your support will be appreciated.
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