National Volunteer Week (NVW) pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who donate their time and energy. This year, NVW is from April 16th - 22nd and the theme is “Volunteering – Weaving Us Together”, affirming the strong connection between volunteerism and community. This profoundly human connection is at the heart of healthier individuals and stronger communities. To help say ‘thank you’ to volunteers, Volunteer Canada has developed programs to access resources and products that can be attained through their website: https://volunteer.ca/ or by Twitter #NVW2023 #WeavingUsTogether or Facebook page: @VolunteerCanada. There is plenty of information and ideas on how to foster more volunteerism in our communities. In our area be sure to contact “Volunteer Halifax” at http://volunteerhalifax.ca/ that links people with local non-profit community organizations, supporting persons with disabilities, new Canadians, corporations and professionals to connect to organizations in and around the municipality, helping individuals develop skills to advance their careers, and developing knowledge resources that support effective and efficient volunteer capacity. Connect with them through e-mail at: info@volunteerhalifax.ca. Each year the Mayor and HRM Council recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups who volunteer their time and skills to provide services and programs in our communities. Our local community hall associations are in desperate need for more volunteers. Due to a publication ban, this year’s list of HRM Volunteers is embargoed until mid- April, so a complete list of those honourees from our district will be in my May 2023 newsletter and will also be posted online at: http://www.halifax.ca/about-halifax/volunteering
HRM in partnership with Halifax Public Libraries, is launching public engagement activities to gain feedback on preparing and fighting against climate change. Residents will have the opportunity until April 19th to attend pop-up engagement sessions hosted by municipal staff at all 16 library locations across the municipality. Additionally, residents can share their thoughts through a Shape Your City Halifax online idea board: https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/halifact or email your ideas to: Sera.Thompson@halifax.ca Through this engagement, residents will have an opportunity to engage in conversation about climate change and share their thoughts, questions, concerns or solutions to local climate impacts and actions. Feedback collected from residents will be used to inform how we act on climate together, how we as a municipality move HalifACT forward and how we can all engage in climate action. For more information, visit: https://www.halifax.ca/about-halifax/energy-environment/halifact-2050-acting-climate-together
It has been just over 50 years since April 22nd was declared as Earth Day. Back in 1970, it mobilized millions of citizens to lobby for the protection of the planet. The first Earth Day is credited with launching the modern environmental movement and is now recognized as the planet’s largest civic event. Now this movement is asking people to join its “Great Global Clean Up” by organizing a local neighbourhood clean-up campaign. https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2023/ Sign up and spotlight your local clean-up events by tagging it on social media with @EarthDayNetwork and use the hashtag: #GreatGlobalCleanup. Let’s show them how beautiful our communities really are!
HRM Active Transportation (AT) Education and Promotion Grants are intended to support projects to increase the number of people walking, bicycling, and rolling and improving the safety of people using these modes. And it supports municipal objectives for a multi-modal transportation system as described in the Integrated Mobility Plan and the Active Transportation Priorities Plan.
There are three types of projects measured in funding and reach:
• Small Community project grant under $1,000: smaller projects (localized) in one or more communities in HRM
• Large Community project grant of $1000 - $5,000: larger project or event (requiring significant logistics efforts) meant to reach a broader audience in communities across HRM;
• Major project grant over $5,000: large project with significant logistics, partnerships and duration efforts with an intended reach across the municipality
To submit a proposal, please download the Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grant Application that is found at: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/cycling-walking/active-transportation-grants-program
Complete the info requested along with required supporting documents by email to: ATGrants@halifax.ca on or before April 14th. For more details, contact: Emma Martin at: martinem@halifax.ca or call 902-499-6742
This spring, the NS Adopt A Highway (AAH) program will be kicking off its 2023 cleanup season with the Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up: the province’s largest litter reduction initiative. Registration opens on April 1st at www.nspickmeup.ca or by calling 1-902-843- 3553 or on-line via e-mail to: info@nsadoptahighway.ca . AAH will provide groups with everything needed to run a successful litter clean-up event including supplies, information on how to coordinate your event and a data card to track results and be sure to post ‘before & after’ photos of your pick-me-up locations and post to social media using the hashtag #EveryLitterBitHelps. More details at: www.nsadoptahighway.ca
This HRM sends out its tax bills to all property owners twice a year. The Interim bill was mailed mid-March and is due on Friday, April 28th . The final bill will be due October 31st . If you have any enquiries about your tax bill, please call the HRM Contact Centre at 311 or on-line at: www.halifax.ca/home-property/property-taxes
Effective April 1st, 2023, all short-term rentals (STRs) – including those within people’s homes – must register annually with the Provincial Tourist Accommodations Registry and include their registration number in their online booking platform listings. The new rules will provide clearer data on short-term rentals in Nova Scotia and help municipalities identify short-term rentals in their communities to improve bylaw enforcement. HRM has approved its own STRs zoning rules for Urban HRM that will come into force on September 1st. The municipality is still studying STRs rules for Rural HRM and more details will become available when they are ready for Council deliberations. For more info about this is on the NS Tourist Accommodations registration website: https://beta.novascotia.ca/register-your-tourist-accommodation
HRM received a request from the MHACCCA – Musquodoboit Harbour and Area Chamber of Commerce and Civic Affairs, respecting the clutter of advertisement signs along Highway # 7 from Musquodoboit Harbour to Ship Harbour. After some community consultation and study, HRM has prepared a bylaw to bring in some rules and regulations about this matter. https://cdn.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/230307rc1513.pdf This report will be debated at the HRM Council Meeting on April 4th
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