Back on April 10 th , during Volunteer Appreciation Month, HRM honoured 70 volunteers and three community groups from across the municipality. The following eight individuals from District 2 received recognition from their respective organizations for their tremendous contribution in their respective communities: Robert Downey & Shaquille Smith from North Preston, Juliette Thomas from East Preston, Melda Hodder & Don Mosher from Lake Echo, Gina Dunn from Porter’s Lake, Katrina Mannette from Grand Desert, and Jennie MacKenzie from East Chezzetcook. Thank you to you all!
Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week is May 5 th –11 th ,Everyone should be prepared and able to take care of themselves for a 72-hourperiod from any potential harm caused by a significant weather event or incident. Our district is very fortunate to have two Joint Emergency Management (JEM) Teams: Eastern Shore JEM (Cole Harbour to Ship Harbour) and Sheet Harbour JEM (East Ship Harbour to Ecum Secum). For more details about them please go to: On Saturday May 11 th ,10AM – 1PM, the thirteenth annual ‘JEM Jamboree’ will be at the Porters Lake Atlantic Superstore parking lot. The plan is to continue promoting emergency preparedness and community readiness. Our JEM Teams are looking for volunteers. Here are few more EP websites: or Twitter @nsemo or Twitter @HRM_EMO
MusGo Rider Cooperative Ltd. has completed its Feasibility Study for a proposed fixed route transit service along Highway 207. Here’s the link to their Route 207 Transit Feasibility Study on the HRM Transportation Standing Committee Agenda Page for March 28,2019: They made a full presentation before the Committee for funding consideration and it is now with HRM staff to review and assess. Here’s the video link of that presentation from the 0:01:45 to 0:27:33 minute markers on the Committee broadcast. Hopefully funding can be secured to do a Demonstration Pilot Project to see if this service will be accepted and used by the various communities along Route 207 from West Chezzetcook to Cole Harbour.
Residents can drop off the following items at a local mobile Household Special Waste (HSW) Depot – batteries; leftover liquid paint; leftover corrosive cleaners; [pesticides/herbicides; old or mixed gasoline; Fuel oil & used motor oil; solvents & thinners; BBQ propane tanks; small propane cylinders; aerosol spray cans containing hazardous substances; pharmaceuticals & drugs; and smoke detectors. There will be a mobile drop-off depot the Porters Lake Metro-X Park & Ride Terminal on Inspiration Drive by Hwy #107 Exit 20 on Saturday, May 11 th from 9AM – 4PM. There will be other mobile depots later in the year on Saturdays, June 15 th at Mic Mac Mall, August 17 th at Cole Harbour Place and on September7 th at Oyster Pond Academy parking lot. For a complete list of other dates and locations of these HSW Drop-off Depots, go to: Here’s a special note for alternatives to some household hazardous materials that can be used: Visit
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has expanded the regulated areas for the Emerald Ash Borer following the discovery of this invasive insect in Bedford. The new regulated area in Nova Scotia consists of the entire Halifax Regional Municipality. Effective immediately, the movement of all ash tree materials (except Mountain Ash) such as logs, lumber, branches, and woodchips, and ALL species of firewood from the HRM is restricted. To learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer
It is my opinion that a “systemic insecticide” that is absorbed into the tree from a surface application or injection will be the only means to control the spread of this insect and similar ones like the Beech Tree Leaf Miner that has devastated the tree canopy in our area. In the meantime; to help protect our forests, Buy local. Burn local !
HRM is looking for some large spruce or balsam trees for their holiday tree lighting ceremonies at Grand Parade Square and Sullivan’s Pond. To select trees that meet the ideal size requirements for these two locations, the trees ought to be 6-10 metres tall for the Dartmouth location and 9-16 metres in height for the Halifax City Hall location. Submissions can come from anywhere in the province. Trees must be on private property and accessible from the street. Questions or submissions can be sent to For more details, visit
The HRM Solar City program will be entering its fourth year of operations this Spring. It offers property owners in the municipality access to innovative solar energy options, which can be financed through a solar collector account with HRM. Over that last three years, more than $6 Million in solar energy projects have been financed. Collectively these systems to date will realize $400,000 in yearly energy savings and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 1,800 tonnes. The program is available to the following categories of property owners: residential, not-for-profit organizations, places of worship, and charities. The program offers the option to install three types of unique solar energy systems: Solar Electric (Photovoltaic), Solar Hot Water and Solar Hot Air. Even the Provincial and Federal Governments are offering energy efficiency incentives that can be coupled with the HRM Solar City program. For more info; go to: or contact them at 902-490-6821 or by email:
HRM has launched – a French language online guide to its website. This micro-site is aimed at improving access to information about key services offered by the municipality. This development reflects the ongoing commitment to improve lines of communication between the Acadian and francophone community and municipal government. Users can provide feedback on the French micro-site at: Merci Beaucoup!
As previously reported, HRM Council has directed staff to review various local tax rates to create a new Area Rate Administrative Order for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. With respect to the Musquodoboit Harbour Area Common Rate, I have asked the local Chamber of Commerce to be the lead agency to undertake public consultation, develop guidelines and create a business case and purpose for the continuance of this rate. Currently it is a half cent ($0.005) per $100 of assessed value for all properties in the Musquodoboit Harbour, East & West Petpeswick, Ostrea Lake and Smith’s Settlement areas. There will be a Public Discussion on this matter during the MHACCCA Townhall meeting on Wednesday May 15 th – 7 PM in the Bingo Hall / MPR at the Eastern Shore Rink. There will also be a mail-in plebiscite ballot to be sent to all affected property owners to decide on its fate.
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