On April 5th HRM Council passed its latest five-year economic strategy “PEOPLE, PLANET, PROSPERITY” – an inclusive strategy with a vision of a prosperous, growing municipality that puts the wellbeing of people and the planet first. The Halifax region has undergone significant changes since Halifax’s previous 2016-21 Economic Strategy was developed, including record population growth. The Strategy sets three strategic goals over the next five years, including: 1) Promoting and maximizing inclusive & sustainable growth; 2) Attracting, retaining & developing talent; & 3) Making Halifax a better place to live & work. These strategic goals are supported by objectives as well as actions to be implemented by both the municipality and Halifax Partnership. Public engagement included face-to-face discussions and group consultations, as well as resident input on Halifax Partnership’s website and the municipality’s 2021 Resident Survey. The strategy’s inclusive economic growth was informed by both the municipality’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion/ANSAIO and community engagement. Ongoing engagement will continue to be fundamental for shaping a more inclusive municipality over the next five years and beyond:
To see the HRM staff presentation about the strategy, go to:
To read the full staff report and learn more about the HRM 2022-27 economic strategy, go to:
On April 12th, the HRM Council approved the 2022-23 Municipal Budget of $1.1 billion – including $925.7 million in total municipal expenditures and $180.2 million in Provincial Mandatory contributions – as well as a HRM Capital budget plan of $318.9 million. The average residential and commercial property tax bill is increasing by 4.6%. This means the average single-family home tax bill will increase by $94 in 2022-23 to $2,144. The average commercial property tax bill will increase by $1,989 in 2022-23 to $45,395. The overall budget spending has increased by that percentage, but the actual Residential & Resource Tax Rates will be decreased because HRM was able to take advantage of some of the lift in property assessment valuations. Of the 4.6% increase, 3% goes towards the Climate Action Tax, which will directly support HalifACT – the municipality’s long-term climate action plan. The Climate Action Tax will fund projects such as electric vehicles and buses, net-zero buildings, installing public electric vehicle chargers, and taking actions to improve the resiliency of communities and infrastructure against the impacts of climate change – which range from flood mitigation and stormwater management to food security and emergency preparedness. The remaining 1.6% increase will fund ongoing operations, public safety, maintenance, and service improvements – such as the provincial road transfer – as well as strategic capital investments. More details can be found at:
Here is a table of the various tax rates for this fiscal year as compared to last year’s:
Category 2021- 2022 2022- 2023
Urban Residential $0.667 $0.626
Suburban Residential $0.634 $0.593
Rural Residential $0.634 $0.593
Climate Action – Resident 0 $0.023
Urban Commercial $2.953 $3.016
Suburban Commercial $2.953 $3.016
Rural Commercial $2,616 $2.662
Climate Action – Comm. 0 $0.089
Regional Transportation $0.047 $0.047
Local Transit Area $0.099 $0.098
Fire Hydrant- Residential $0.013 $0.013
Fire Hydrant- Commercial $0.037 $0.039
Supplementary Ed – Res. $0.022 $0.019
Supplementary Ed – Com $0.063 $0.058
NS Mandatory Education $0.305 $0.293
Property Valuation Corp. $0.014 $0.013
NS Correctional Services $0.013 $0.013
NS Social Housing $0.009 $0.009
The Regional Transportation Area Rate engulfs the metro area from Hubbards to the Halifax Airport to Myers Point that is classified as the HRM Rural Commutershed area in the Halifax Regional Plan. And the Local Transit area rate applies to all properties within 1km walking distance of any regular HRM transit stop. The HRM Fire Hydrant Protection rates at on all residential, resource and commercial properties within 1,200 feet of a fire hydrant.
The Provincial Area Rates for Mandatory Education, Property Valuation Services Corporation, NS Correctional Services and Social Housing that applies to all properties.
Each year HRM recognizes the extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups who volunteer their time and skills to provide services and programs in our communities. Here is a complete list of the three local honourees from our district for 2022. These individuals were honoured at the Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception on Wednesday, April 27th in Dartmouth.
Olivia Matheson – Porter’s Lake
Wendy MacKenzie – Sheet Harbour
Pat Wilcott – Lawrencetown (Pat is also a Provincial Volunteer Award recipient). Congratulations & Many thanks to You All!
Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week is May 1st–7th. Everyone should be prepared and able to take care of themselves for a 72-hour period from any potential harm caused by a significant weather event or incident. Our district is very fortunate to have two Joint Emergency Management (JEM) Teams: Eastern Shore JEM (Cole Harbour to Ship Harbour) and Sheet Harbour JEM (East Ship Harbour to Ecum Secum). Our JEM Teams are always looking for volunteers. For more details about them please go to:
The annual ‘JEM Jamboree’ will be on Saturday, May 7th from 10 AM-1PM at the Porters Lake Atlantic Superstore parking.
Here are few more EP websites: • • , • or on Twitter @nsemo • or on Twitter: @HRM_EMO
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