Work with the Eastern Shore Community Centre / Musquodoboit Harbour Rink in advancing the refurbishing plans to the facility. There still is a proposal for a second ice pad complex with options to consolidate the HRM Service Centre, Fitness Centre, Branch Library and other local offices to partner in with this arena enhancement project.
Keep insisting upon the need to fully implement the Metro-X Rural Express Transit Service along Hwy #107 with Park & Ride terminals site at Exit 18 and in the Musquodoboit Harbour and Westphal areas.
Pursue the aims of the local watershed studies about advancing plans for centralized services for the Porters Lake commercial district area and Musquodoboit Harbour village centre.
Collaborate with various Provincial Departments to help establish a District Wastewater Management Plan for Pollution Prevention around Lake Echo.
Network with our local community attractions and businesses to expand our eco-tourism opportunities. Work on developing and advancing our social cultural heritage and creative arts potential.
Champion the endeavours of the local Chambers of Commerce with their Community Economic Development plans and projects.
Work on the advancing the Chezzetcook – Musquodoboit and the Blueberry Run Connecting Trail Corridors. And help promote the Cole Harbour Basin Open Space Plan and monitor the Halifax Green Network Plan to ensure local parkland and open green spaces are beneficial to our community recreational needs.
Lobby the Province to amend its Aid to Municipalities Program for Cost-shared paving of subdivision streets to include more classifications of local roads for potential upgrading.
Advocate for the continued use and access of Off-Highway Vehicles to egress through dedicated trail routes in our local Wilderness Areas and Crown land blocks.
Encourage the Province’s Blue Route Plan to pave the roadway shoulders of Highway #7 for safer Active Transportation use by pedestrians and cyclists.
Work with the Province to put in crosswalks for safer routes to schools and other community facilities.
Push the Province to improve parking lot infrastructure at several beach parks and trail-heads.
Repair and upgrade the Porters Lake boat launch upper Myra Road, Keizer Drive and Bellefontaine Road.
Need to partner with more local citizen groups for new and/or replacement playground projects.
Plan on the development of local skateboard pads and BMX free ride bike park site projects.
Pursue the establishment of another localized solid-waste resource transfer station in order to reduce our garbage haulage contract costs.
Continue to push for a more progressive response program to counteract illegal off-road dumping and roadside littering problems.
Respond to more streetlight installations requests.
Advise the telecommunication companies to take a more holistic approach of broader community consultation and fully disclose all potential co-location sites and possible heights options for cell tower positioning as a network system and not as singular projects.
Need to collaborate with the Provincial and Federal Governments on expanding the internet broadband network and cellular coverage in our remote rural areas.
Further expansion on HRM Facility Lease Agreements to broaden the operational support for our community-based volunteer-managed facilities.
Need to support and encourage Volunteer Firefighter recruitment and retention programs. And secure more full-time daytime positions to protect areas without volunteer coverage.
Collaborate and work with other local groups and organizations with their community building projects.