Each year, from November 5 th – 11 th , hundreds of commemorative ceremonies and events will take place across our country to commemorate Veterans’ Week. These are opportunities for all Canadians to recognize the contribution our Veterans and Military personnel have made and to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Canada. There are so many ways to remember and honour our Veterans. Wear a poppy and attend a local Remembrance Day ceremony. There are six cenotaphs that serve our district area. They are situated in Cole Harbour, North Preston, Porters Lake, Oyster Pond, Sheet Harbour and Moser River. Together, it is our duty to pass on our gratitude and keep the legacy and memories of our Canadian Veterans alive. Our deep military history and way of life recognizes the need for us to remember the sacrifices made by those who fought for our liberty, peace, security and freedom. This Veterans’ Week, take time to remember them so at the 11 th hour, on the 11 th day, of the 11 th month take time out and observe a two-minute moment of silence. This year I will be attending the Remembrance Day Ceremonies at the Oyster Pond cenotaph. For more information go to: http://www.hendsbee.ns.ca
One way that the municipality recognizes and supports its local volunteers is through the Annual HRM Volunteer Conference. This year marks the 18 th year which provides valuable networking and learning opportunities for volunteers. The conference will be held on Friday & Saturday, November 16 th & 17 th at the Atlantica Hotel (Quinpool Road & Robie Street) in Halifax, If you have any conference questions, please call Shauna Shirley at 902-869-4202 or 902-456-9683 or send e-mail queries to: hrmvolunteerservices@halifax.ca or check out the conference agenda at: www.halifax.ca/about-halifax/volunteering/volunteer-conference. The 2018 conference includes: Participant welcome packages; a wide selection of interactive sessions; dynamic and experienced speakers; community showcase; networking opportunities; lunch, nutrition breaks and refreshments. Registration is now open.
HRM is seeking Public Input about the Lake Echo District Park on how best to utilize the old Irving gas station beach property as parkland in association with the adjacent community centre and Orenda Canoe Club. If you have any suggestions, contact HRM Landscape Architect – Stephen Cushing at: cushins@halifax.ca For more information about this project; go to: www.halifax.ca/recreation/parks-trails-gardens/park-planning-projects/lake-echo-district-park Give your input by December 1 st .
There is a snow removal program available to seniors (65 years of age or older) and for persons with disabilities throughout all areas of HRM. The program is NOT available to landlords. You must reside in a single dwelling home that you own or rent. Its mandate is to provide a resource to clients for the removal of snow for safe access. The program is limited to those households with a combined total income not exceeding $32,000. To make more enquiries about this program, please call the 311 HRM Contact Centre or the YMCA at 902-483-3678. Or go to these web-sites for further details: www.halifax.ca/transportation/winter-operations/senior-snow-removal and/or www.ymcahfx.ca/ymca-programs/ymca-senior-snow-removal/ Registration deadline is December 1 st or sooner depending upon the demand. Completed applications may be faxed to 902-423-8530 or can be mailed or dropped off in person to: YMCA Senior Snow Removal, Community YMCA, 2269 Gottingen Street Halifax, NS B3K 3B7. Applicants will be placed on a list based on a first come, first serve basis. So please apply now before the snowfall.
HRM can help some local non-profit organizations reduce their property tax payments through the Tax Relief for Non-Profit Organizations Program. Applications must be filed by November 30 th. There are various types of tax reduction programs from Commercial to Residential Tax Rate Conversion, or two tiered level tax rate with 25%, 50%. 75% or 100% tax exemption. For more information about this tax relief program can be found at: www.halifax.ca/business/doing-business-halifax/tax-relief-non-profit-organizations
Application forms can be retrieved on-line at:
Once completed, please send the application forms and all relevant documentation to:
HRM Grants Program: Non-Profit Tax Relief
c/o Finance and Asset Management
PO Box 1749, Halifax, NS, B3J 3A5
Or you can also return the application to a HRM Customer Service Centre in Musquodoboit Harbour and at Alderney Landing in Dartmouth. For assistance contact the HRM Grants & Contributions office, HRM Financial Services at 902-490-7191 or e-mail: nonprofittax@halifax.ca
MusGo Rider is doing a feasibility study about providing a Transit Service along Hwy #207 from the Porters Lake Transit Terminal to the Portland Hills Terminal with a stop at Cole Harbour Place. This 45 kms one-way transit corridor would serve the Porters Lake commercial corridor, West Chezzetcook, Grand Desert, Seaforth, Three Fathom Harbour, East Lawrencetown, Lawrencetown and Cole Harbour. As a part of this study there needs to be some public input. Two community meetings were held in October but there is an on-line survey that you can use:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/route207 or contact Four Points Consultants at: Jamie.stewart.stfx@gmail.com by December 1 st .
The NS Supreme Court has made its decision on the fate of the Three Fathom Harbour cell tower. On October 15 th , the judge, the Honourable Justice Christa Brothers, decided to strike down the notice of judicial review that was brought forth by representation of the Stop Tower Scapes Community group that is opposed to the siting of the telecommunication tower. It was determined that neither the Province, nor municipality have any authority over the siting of a cell tower. This is exclusively the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. And since no application to this particular case was made to the Federal Minister of Industry Canada within 30 days time limit of siting approval, it is now too late to make any appeal. More details on this decision on Docket: Hfx #457873 can found at: https://decisions.courts.ns.ca/nsc/nssc/en/item/345969/index.do
HRM is seeking volunteers between the ages of 15-24 for a new Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). Members of the committee will focus on enhancing the relationship between Regional Council and the youth of our community. The committee mandate is to advise Council on how municipal policies, programs, and services affect youth, and identify areas for improvement. The origin for this committee is a report prepared for HRM Council in 2017 that recommended a process be created that would link youth to municipal government decision making. Over a two-year period, the 12 committee members will regularly engage with youth throughout the municipality to find out what’s working, what’s preventing youth from thriving, and how the municipality can better support their success. The committee is seeking representation from across the municipality, including six designated seats from the following communities: Indigenous Mi’kmaq, African Nova Scotian, Francophone and/or Acadian, 2SLGBTQ, newcomers, and persons with disabilities. The deadline for applying is Sunday, November 11 th . For more information about this YAC committee, check out www.Halifax.ca/YAC
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