Each October, there are several community events that showcase and share the history and heritage of the Mi’kmaw people. October is Mi’kmaw History Month as it coincides with the anniversary of English settlers signing the inaugural Peace and Friendship Treaty with the Mi’kmaw people. Treaty Day is October 1st and on this date the Mi’kmaw people received a promise of peace along with compensation for appropriated lands, resources and the impact of conflict on people and communities across Mi’kma’ki. In an effort to assist all Nova Scotians in increasing their knowledge and awareness of Mi’kmaw culture, history and heritage, a Mi’kmaq History Month Committee was established to promote and encourage educational and cultural activities during October. For more information, go to: www.mikmaqhistorymonth.ca
Each October, there are several community events that showcase and share the history and heritage of the Mi’kmaw people. October is Mi’kmaw History Month as it coincides with the anniversary of English settlers signing the inaugural Peace and Friendship Treaty with the Mi’kmaw people. Treaty Day is October 1st and on this date the Mi’kmaw people received a promise of peace along with compensation for appropriated lands, resources and the impact of conflict on people and communities across Mi’kma’ki. In an effort to assist all Nova Scotians in increasing their knowledge and awareness of Mi’kmaw culture, history and heritage, a Mi’kmaq History Month Committee was established to promote and encourage educational and cultural activities during October. For more information, go to: www.mikmaqhistorymonth.ca
The Southeastern and Eastern Shore Musquodoboit Community Health Boards (CHB) annually provide “Wellness Funds” grants to support projects addressing the social determinants of health such as poverty, food insecurity, healthy lifestyles, early childhood development, literacy, safe/affordable housing and social isolation. Deadline to apply is 5 PM on Friday, October 15th. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their respective CHB coordinator if they have any questions: Monique Mullins-Roberts, SECHB Coordinator monique.mullins-roberts@nshealth.ca / 902-460-6869 or Denise VanWychen, ESMCHB Coordinator denise.vanwychen@nshealth.ca / 902-891-0372. Applications are assessed and reviewed by the CHBs in October and November. Successful applicants are notified in January. For more program information, visit: www.communityhealthboards.ns.ca/wellness-funds or check out their Facebook pages: www.facebook.com/SoutheasternCHB and www.facebook.com/ESMCHB
HRM has launched its Fall-Winter Intake for Active Transportation (AT) Education & Promotion Proposals. The deadline to apply is Friday, October 15th for projects starting in November 2021 and ending in March 2022. Grants are intended to support projects that aim to increase walking, bicycling and rolling in our communities, and improving the safety of people using these AT modes.
There are 3 types of projects:
• Small Community project (or event): smaller project (localized) in one or more communities can receive up to $1,000.
• Large Community project (or event) requiring significant logistics efforts, meant to reach a broader audience in communities across HRM can receive a grant of up to $5,000.
• Major project (cannot be a one-time event) with significant logistics, partnerships and duration efforts with an intended reach across the municipality could receive a grant over $5,000.
For more information and details, please contact Emma Martin, HRM AT Community Projects Coordinator by e-mail: martinem@halifax.ca or call 902-499-6742.
WSP wants your input through an on-line survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/PlanPortersLake to assist the Porters Lake Business Association (PLBA) in developing an Infrastructure Improvement Plan for Highway 7 from Porters Lake Station Road to Stella Drive. This study will help guide the PLBA through establishing an overall vision and conceptual plan to re-develop Highway 7 with things such as sidewalks, extra turning lanes, bike lanes, crosswalks, storefront façade improvements, roadside amenities and wayfinding signage through the Business Village corridor. This will serve as a base planning document to aid infrastructure funding negotiations with HRM and the Province. The deadline to submit input is Sunday, October 10th.
HRM invoices property tax bills to all property owners twice each year. The tax year covers the fiscal period of April 1st – March 31st. The first tax bill was sent out (either by mail or e-post) in March. The second and final bill will be sent out (either by mail or e-post) in September and is due on the last working day of October (Friday, October 29th). The first (interim) invoice is based on 50% the current year’s estimated taxes but based on last year’s rates. The final invoice is calculated using the current assessment with the current year’s tax rates, less the amount already paid from the first invoice. The total amounts billed must be paid by the due date to avoid interest charges. Interest is applied daily to all outstanding taxes at a rate of 10% per annum. For more information please call 311 or visit: www.halifax.ca/home-property/municipal-payments/making-a-payment
In October 2020, the Federal Government launched the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI) that invested $1 Billion to create 3,000 new permanent, affordable housing units across Canada. As part of the Major Cities funding stream, HRM was identified for immediate funding of $8,659,527 to create a minimum of 27 units.
On November 24, 2020, HRM Council approved Phase 1 of RHI funding to 3 projects (Mi’kmaq Native Friendship Society, Adsum for Women and Children, and the North End Community Health Association) for a total of 52 new units/rooms.
On June 30, 2021 Round 2 of RHI was launched that invests $1.5 Billion to create an additional 4,500 affordable housing units across the country.
On July 9, 2021 the Federal Government further announced that HRM would be allocated $12,979,021 to develop a minimum of 43 new permanent affordable units.
On August 31, 2021 HRM approved 3 projects from the Housing Association of Nova Scotia for 65 housing rooms in North Dartmouth, Souls Harbour for 12 units in West Chezzetcook and Akoma Holdings Incorporated to provide 8 units in Westphal.
For more information, here’s a link to the HRM Staff presentation for RHI Phase 2: www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/210831rc142pres.pdf
Back in March 2018, I initiated a request for a HRM staff report to consider making amendments to the HRM Regional Municipal Planning Strategy and all its various Secondary Municipal Planning Strategies and Land Use By-laws regarding the keeping and raising of egg-laying hens/chickens in ALL Residential Zones for the purpose of personal household food supply. The follow-up staff report of July 30, 2019 assessed all the various zonings rules across HRM to see which zones prohibited the keeping of egg-laying hens. In our district there are several “Residential” zones that do not allow it. Whereas other zones such as Rural Enterprise, Mixed Resource, Mixed Use, and Rural Residential that did permit it. For more info on which zones across HRM that currently allow and deny the keeping of chickens, go to: www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/190730rc1515.pdf Subsequently on August 31, 2021 HRM Council decided to move forward with sweeping amendments to permit the raising of egg-laying hens. The final staff report can be found at: www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/210831rc72.pdf but I made some amendments to the proposed bylaws by regulating the flock size to the lot size of the residential property in question as an accessory residential use for keeping of egg-laying fowl:
Up to 10 hens permitted on lots less than 4,000 square metres in size,
up to 15 hens on lots between 4,000 and 6,000 square metres,
up to 20 hens on lots between 6,000 and 10,000 square metres,
and up to 25 hens on lots greater than 10,000 square metres in size.
Residents can share feedback on this matter via a Virtual Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 5th at 6 PM. Please register to speak on-line with the Municipal Clerks Office by 3 PM on Monday, October 4th or write to clerks@halifax.ca with your opinion.
As of October 16th, (weather permitting) and whether the NS Forest Weather Index (FWI) – www.novascotia.ca/BurnSafe – is at a low-moderate reading, the time of day burning restrictions will be lifted. Learn more about safe winter open-air burning practices: www.halifax.ca/fire-police/fire/burning-permits/burning-rules-regulation
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