I like to welcome all students back to school. Your education is important for you to succeed in life. All motorists need to be extra careful with students walking, cycling or traveling by school bus. Stay alert & be safe!
The annual 50 Mile Yard Sale along Highway #7 and Route #357 in Musquodoboit Harbour to Musquodoboit Valley will be occurring Saturday, Sept. 7 th . Also, the Musquodoboit Harbour & District Lions Club will be having a gigantic flea market and sale in the rink that same day from 7:30AM – 1:30PM as part of the bargain trail. Be aware of the pedestrian traffic and parked cars but please respect the ‘No Parking” signs placed for your safety. More info can be found on their Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/events/st-georges-anglican-church-dutch-settlement-nova-scotia/50-mile-yard-sale/418086408400974
There will be a mobile Household Special Waste (HSW) Depot at the Oyster Pond Academy parking lot on Saturday, Sept. 7th from 9AM – 4PM. For a complete list of items that can be accepted, please refer to: www.halifax.ca/home-property/garbage-recycling-green-cart/household-special-waste or call 311
“Get To The Point” will be a ‘not-to-be-missed’ event scheduled for Saturday Sept. 7 th at Lawrencetown Beach. This will be an opportunity to honour the history of east coast surfing that started here as well as the pioneers that started it all. The event is timed to coincide with the current push to save access to surfing at the iconic point break by the Lawrencetown headland. The occasion will be a full day of beach activities that includes family-oriented events such as costume paddle-outs, and a surf-what-you-bring (no surf, body, or SUP boards allowed) contest. In addition, there will surf sessions at the Point by generations with some fun and informative colorful commentary. In the evening there will be an “after event” social featuring slide-presentation of historical surfing photos and locally made movies at the Lawrencetown Community Centre, with some local entertainment and dancing. For the latest event details, please follow “Get to the Point” group on their Facebook & Instagram platforms. More info can be found on their Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/events/lawrencetown-beach-provincial-park/get-to-the-point-surf-event-where-it-all-began/277446669649243
Back in 1980, Terry took his Marathon of Hope through our communities along Highway #7. Now we can keep his dream alive that cancer can be beaten. There will be 3 local runs: Saturday, Sept. 14 th from 1-3PM at the Lake Echo Community Centre or on Sunday, Sept. 15 th at the Musquodoboit Harbour Railway Museum from 10AM–1PM or at the Sheet Harbour Lion’s Centre from 1-3PM. If you can’t make it to a run, please sponsor someone who will be participating, or you can text “terryfox” to 45678 to donate $5. Also, the Terry Fox National School Run Day will be on Thursday, Sept. 26 th . If your school wants to get involved, then please check out this link for more details: www.terryfox.org/schoolrun/students
National Tree Day will serve as a celebration for all Canadians to appreciate the great benefits that trees provide us – clean air, wildlife habitat, reducing energy demand and connecting with nature. Sign up for Tree Canada’s “tree-mail” and get notifications when there are updates on grants, awards, program launches, Tree Canada news, National Tree Day event details and more ways you can get involved. Go to: https://treecanada.ca for more information.
Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society will have its 13 th Annual NS Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Walk – Run – Bike Trek, in support of Pancreatic Cancer education, awareness and research. Come out to the Porters Lake Provincial Park on Saturday, Sept. 28 th . Registration opens at 9 AM and event starts at 10 AM. This bike tour trek event is for all ages and abilities. There are various distances and routes to choose from. For more details about registering or donating for this event, go to: http://www.craigscause.ca/page.asp?ID=50
The Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) uses an external Student Conveyance provider; Stock Transportation, to provide the bulk of its pupil transportation services. The overall student population of the HRCE is increasing each year, as is the number of students who qualify for transportation. Students will continue to receive transportation if they live 2.4 km or further (Grades Primary-6) and 3.6 km or further (Grades 7-12) from school. Students can apply for Courtesy Bussing if they live inside the prescribed distances. A seat may be allotted as a courtesy when there is space on the bus, after all eligible students are assigned and if there is no impact to the route. To apply for a courtesy seat, parents/guardians must log in to the HREC “BusPlanner” site at https://hrce.mybusplanner.ca/ and complete the online form “Request for Courtesy Bussing”. More information on this subject can be found at:
www.hrsb.ca/about-our-schools/student-transportation or call the HRCE Student Transportation staff at 902-464-2000 ext. 2871.
Over the last few months the cribwork on several local playgrounds have had some safety enhancements done. The old ‘green’ CCA (chromated copper arsenate) pressured treated timbers have been replaced with the new safer ‘brown’ CBA (copper boron azole) lumber. There were also some new equipment replacements done at the playgrounds on Little Salmon River Drive in Westphal and at Partridge Nest Drive in Mineville. More information can be found at: https://hendsbee.ns.ca
Recently, HRM Regional Council approved a No Flyers By-Law F-400 as an attempt to curb the deliberate distribution of unwanted flyers delivery. NO FLYER Stickers are being offered free of charge to residents that do not want flyers in their driveways or on their doorsteps. These stickers are available for pick up at any HRM Customer Service counter and at some select Recreation Centres. Stickers can also be mailed out upon request but you will have to call 311 to place your order. In our rural areas, it is proposed that newspaper boxes will be situated beside our various community mailbox sites so residents can freely pick up their own flyers at will with their regular Canada Post mail delivery. For more information about Flyer Delivery, please email HRM Solid Waste Education staff at wasteless@halifax.ca or refer to the by-law at: www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/legislation-by-laws/By-lawF-400.pdf
Residents should also contact the flyer deliver services to request to be placed on a ‘DO NOT DELIVER’ list. Call the Chronicle Herald at 902-426-3031 or Toll Free 1-800-565-3339 or email : flyerdelivery@herald.ca to unsubscribe from their service. If you live in an area with a ‘B0N’ postal code prefix, then call 902-678-9217.
Just a reminder that HRM extended its weekly organic green cart collection program for the summer but it will conclude at the end of September. For more information please go to: www.halifax.ca/home-property/garbage-recycling-green-cart/green-carts-leaf-yard-material Be ‘Green’ & Source Separate.
HRM provides green carts and mini bins to properties that received roadside collection. Call 311 to request a bin delivery for a new home, or for repairs or replacement to a damaged cart. These green carts are assigned to the property, and not the owner. So, if you move, then the cart and mini bin must stay at the property. More information can be found at: www.halifax.ca/home-property/garbage-recycling-green-cart/request-mini-green-bin-replacement
HRM has acquired PID #40289498, Civic #44 Park Road in Musquodoboit Harbour for public parkland. This riverfront property was identified as a strategic asset in their 2007 Community Visioning Plan and subsequently in its 2017 Community Conceptual Development Plan that both highlighted this parcel has being highly desirable to create public access to the Musquodoboit River and helps to augment the Village Green open space area with the adjacent Peace Park, arena, ballfields and trailway. More information can be found at: https://hendsbee.ns.ca
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